This episode is about a loop that a lot of people get caught in, I get caught in, my clients get caught in that is causing our results to be less than what we want.
So what is this loop that a lot of people get stuck in?
The loop goes something like:
We place a desire. You have something you want, you might write it out, you might just pray to the universe or you might just be obsessed with you going to Thailand or getting a new car or calling a soul mates right so you have these desires they've been launched me about them you focused on them to any degree everything you focus on is a desire to the universe so you don't even have to write it out or pray it out just thinking and desiring is enough
You really work on believing that you're worthy. Believing that these things are available to you, believing that you are on the right path right so you really been focusing on your belief and getting really in touch with it.
But then you don't get the same thing that you wanted. Something you're wanting to manifest is not magically rolling into your experience, the money isn't coming you haven't yet, the partner, the new clients you want or the clarity you're looking for in your life are just just not coming.
So then you get down on yourself, get down on maybe the Universe your own abilities start feeling hopeless because it's not coming right and even just a little bit this is a very common situation how many times and
I have to keep keeping myself in check about this, because I have learned a lot about what is going on here and how to get out of this Loop - so we place a desire, we work on our belief (being worthy, knowing you can manifest it, knowing it's possible knowing it's coming, believing in yourself and then we don't get it, we get down on ourselves then we get frustrated....
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xo, Talia
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