In today's episode we are talking about pillar 2 in the Awakened Manifestation Method - Launching Desires. I will teach you today how to put out into the Universe what you want while also knowing why you are attracting the things you don't want!
If you are stuck in attracting the same patterns and struggles - this episode is for you! Whether you are wanting to call in more fun, love, excitement, support, money + abundance, confidence or anything else - you need to know how to make sure you are attracting what it is that you want.
When manifesting, it’s important to remember that the thing that we want already exists. Especially when it’s something that you've been wanting for a while - it's already about 90% of the way into your life and the rest comes by unlocking your manifestation funnel.
Launching desires is a huge part of this. This is really just about being able to be call in what you want. So whether you desire more money, a lover, a puppy or a new iPad - we want to make sure that we are launching desires for things that we want and avoiding calling in things that we don't.
There are a few key points that we really need to go through that you need to understand in order to truly unlock manifestation and activate your power.
My intention with this episode is for you is simple - for you to use the law of attraction to call it what it is that you want and stop calling in things you don't want! And I want you bringing in more of what you want right now.
I'm all about the huge concepts but I'm also really about bringing things into your life and really getting those results now.
Before I understood these key aspects of Launching Desires, I got really next results with manifesting. I wouldn't ever really get ahead. If you feel like you're getting some results but not massive results - this pillar was a big part of that.
Here are a few of the key points you must be aware of.
KEY #1: Everything you focus on is considered a desire to the universe. This is because we live in an attraction-based universe. There is only ever attracting. Said another way - the universe is always saying yes to what you're putting out and showing you more of the same.
KEY #2: Focus on the positive aspect of what you want. Instead of focusing on "Im broke" or "Im fat" being the motivation to make more money or lose weight, focus on "financial freedom" or "optimal health and ease". This is one place where many clients are getting stuck, attracting what they don't want and wondering why.
Key #3: Get clear on what you want. The feelings, the situations, the opportunities.
Key #4: Hold on loosely. Don't pinch of possibility by getting too specific. Instead of making your desires so specific that you slow down manifestation, hold on on loosely, allowing the Universe to bring you "this or something better".
Listen to the full episode as I share a HUGE manifestation hack as we play the "YESSING ALL DAY" game!
Grab this free guide to find out what is blocking you from manifesting easily
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xo, Talia
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