Today's episode is HUGE - you may want to take notes!
We are working through the 6 pillars of awakened manifestation which is my method that I have put together using all of my experience, education, study and work with clients. This is how manifestation works.
You really need to unlock each pillar to really see to the results that you've been wanting. As we move through these pillars you can start to see which one might be meeting some love.
The first pillar we went through as understanding the law of attraction. The next pillar is Launching Desires - really understanding how your desires are going out there and being matched and brought back to you.
Today is all about alignment and the BE/DO/HAVE model.
Before I knew about this and I was wanting to create change - I was just trying to DO a bunch of stuff - to lose weight, I was going on diets and working out at the gym X amount of days. When I was trying to make more money and increase my income or my savings - I was just trying to put away some here and some there.
The results were not hot.
They were slllooooowwww and I'm insanely committed to creating my dream life so it just felt like so much effort for very little pay off. I want experience magic now so when I'm really tapped into quantum alignment and the be/do/have model everything changed it was like a light bulb went off. This is because law of attraction is always attracting what you're putting out so if you're in alignment with the life you want with the highest self with the version of you that is just rock and all of it all you're getting match back to you is more of what you want. You're getting instant manifestation results.
We "be it" in this moment - it's being matched back to us. This is when we're folding time. We're making it that we don't have to do all these things to attract miracles - we can attract miracles right now from where we are in our comfy pants sipping coffee you're attracting miracles right now just by the person that you're being. So instead of doing a bunch of stuff we manifest from a place of being.
You will receive it when you be it. You have to - it's the law of attraction in never wavers it just will happen.
This is a powerful episode filled with potent journal prompts, tools and life-changing questions to ask yourself.
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xo, Talia
PS. For ALL THINGS manifestation, you can find me on Facebook - click here