Unblock Me! : Uncover what is blocking you from your best life!Uncover what is blocking you from your best life by identifying which blocks your struggle with and releasing them with the Unblock Me Method!
In this guide I have outlined the 5 most common blocks that are holding us back, what to do about it and even the crystals and mantra to shift it. This guide is in The Vault |
Trust Your Intuition, Change Your LifeDiscover 5 Amazing Ways To Enhance Your
Life Through The Power Of Intuition When I started practicing my intuition, I had no idea how to use it in my life.
In this guide you will learn 5 areas of life to use intuition in and the mantras to do it! When we don't develop our intuition... ... we remain unclear in our next step - confused and overwhelmed ... choices become a mental back and forth (pros and cons list anyone?) ... there is always a "what if I would have...?" or "should I have...." This guide is in The Vault |
This guided meditation will get you in the receiving mode to manifest what it is that you truly want. It takes you through seeing what you want, feeling it and identifying any blocks that have been stopping you so that you can release them. This meditation is in The Vault |