This is really big. I have been saying for a while now that I wanted to start a podcast!
At first it was going to be when my kids are older and my baby goes to school. Then it was maybe next year. Then I just decided I was ready and going to freaking do it!
My intention with The Awakening Her Podcast is to teach you exactly how to manifest a life of magic. Exactly how to use the law of attraction in your daily life so that you manifest on autopilot.
You're knee-deep in personal and spiritual development, looking for more. More meaning, more purpose, more clarity, more alignment, more of the true, authentic YOU and I've got your back, seeker!!
🦋 This show will bridge the gap between the beautiful work you've done so far and the vision you see for yourself in your minds eye.
We are going to launch you into your dream life - mmmkay? I have a special knack for taking HUGE life-changing concepts and making them understandable with ah-ha moments, daily tools, new practices and clear action steps.
Get ready for some big shifts.
If you love this podcast please subscribe and leave a review on iTunes! (click here), it really means the world to me and it helps others find my podcast! Thank you!
xo, Talia
PS. For ALL THINGS manifestation, you can find me on Facebook - click here