In this episode we are continuing our journey to unpack the law of attraction pillar by pillar so that you can really understand LOA and unlock your manifestation magic.
Your belief systems need to support your dream life. This is where “the work” comes in. This episode is all about our belief systems and clearing blocks!
My intention for you today is to be able to identify and dismantle some of the blocks that are a going on in your manifestation practice - to be able to see what beliefs are getting in your way and to be able to clear those beliefs so that you can certain manifesting new things you can start experiencing different results now.
Before I knew that your beliefs create your reality I was really stuck - I had no idea that my beliefs created my reality and my world was full of hustle. I was doing so many things that you "should" do to achieve my goals - working really hard and feeling like I was never getting the results. My progress was so slow (I don't really like slow - I'm working patience 😜 ) because I was believing things that were directly going against what I was doing, wha I was praying for and what I was trying to call in.
This was a huge part of what created my eating disorder - I was trying so hard to lose weight while also believing I was fat, disgusting and that it was hard/impossible for me to lose weight. I even believed that it I looked at cake, I would gain weight.
So, back to beliefs and blocks - when we have a limiting belief for long enough it becomes a block.
What is a limiting belief? A limiting belief is any belief that limits you. I know it sounds super obvious but it's a belief that limits you.
Examples of common limiting beliefs:
like its to hard I don't have enough I'm unsupported or money is hard to make I'm too weak I'll never be enough Who am I to become wealthy? Who am I to be successful? I'm not cut out for this I will never be able to do this I can't figure it out I'm unlovable I'm unworthy I have no willpower I can't be my real self or I'll be judged I cant _________ or _______ will judge me (I cant become a coach, my family will judge me) No one understands me
If we believe this for long enough it becomes a subconscious block it. It becomes it becomes something we believe on auto pilot.
These subconscious blocks become our blindspot - they alter the actions we take and lower our frequency, making it harder to attract what we desire.
It goes we are taught something we believe something and after enough time it actually becomes a subconscious block that were no longer aware of it becomes a blind spot so as
Dissolving Limiting Beliefs + Blocks:
Witness the belief - call it out, identify it.
Is this ultimately true? Is there a cosmic sign in the sky that makes this without a shadow of a doubt true?
Honour your stuck-ness. I honor my frustration, I honour that I feel stuck
Declare the release -"I am ready to release the belief that there is never enough"
Pick a story that is more true - "I've always figured it out, I've always had enough, I am evolving and changing for the better, I am learning more each day, I will get there, I feel intuitively that I am headed in the right direction."
Are you ready to take it up a notch and release what's holding you back? This beautiful training is on sale just for you! CLEARING THE PATH: DISSOLVE LIMITING BELIEFS AND BLOCKS
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xo, Talia
PS. For ALL THINGS manifestation, you can find me on Facebook - click here