"Working with Talia and her Awakened Intuition program has changed every aspect of my life. The gifts that reside within Talia have the potential to turn your life around. The abundance that you are searching for...it will find you. Or you will find it. If you do the groundwork, the path becomes clearer and a bit more colorful. The feelings of being lost and scared turn into feeling loved and supported. You feel a peace within yourself, when you finally learn that it all comes from self love. The intuition that is within you will finally be free to guide you. Whatever it is that you are looking for in your own life can be found with Talia’s help. My life is far from what it once was. And I can finally say that I am happy. Living a full life of abundance feels pretty amazing. "
-Sara Moore, Portland OR, USA
"Talia is a master at the law of attraction. Whether you're looking to improve your self-love, relationship with food, career, or finances - she has got you covered. Listen to one of her powerful audios for less than a minute and you know you've landed on a life changing experience. Guys - she's GOOD! Expect to see her name in lights!"
Linda Bello, Success Coach
"Talia is the REAL DEAL. Her intuition is bang on and the way that she can lovingly see where you are blocked is incredible. She has absolutely changed my life. If you are considering working with her - do it! If there is one thing that I've learned it's that Talia shows up in your life on purpose - don't ignore it!"
"I started working with Talia in the awakened intuition program which was awesome. I have learned and grown exponentially! What a beautiful soul, she's real, cool and meets you where you are.
I was in a pretty deep hole this last summer and she helped me to dig my way out of my own s***. It's been awesome and I no longer feel like I need to live up to anybody's standards even my own. All I have to do is be me and follow my Bliss. I'm so looking forward to working with her again. I love the weekly sessions. It's so freaking good to have such a caring awesome person in your corner. Thank you so much Talia! I love the peace and the self-love that I have found and I wouldn't trade it for anything!"
Juhli .S., BC, Canada
"During my coaching I was finally able to make some important decisions in my business. I was able to take action with confidence and this year alone I’ve experienced over a 200% growth and lost over 40lbs.
I have up leveled my entire life. I had never before invested in one on one coaching - but it changed everything. The support I received from Talia was unparalleled, but beyond that when I became the type of woman who had a coach, when I became the type of woman who invested in her self, when I became the type of woman who knew her value in business and life"
Wellslee Westbrooke, New York, USA
" I started working with Talia because I was feeling burnt out and exhausted, I knew I needed to leave my job but was unsure about what to do next and what direction I should be going. I felt lost, overwhelmed by the unknown and needed support finding my direction and my next steps.
I went into our coaching sessions with the hope of carving out my next path and my next detailed plan, instead I learned to let go and to trust that the things I needed to be doing would be presented to me and opportunities would be there when I was ready. Learning this process of trusting my intuition and letting go of my expectations has supported me to deal with my fears and anxieties in more meaningful and gentle ways.
In this process I have been able to come back to myself and begin to understand the things that are important to me and that I want to continue to prioritize. The best part was that as I let go of my expectations, opportunities that I could have never imagined being a part of my path opened up to me.
What I appreciate most about Talia is her ability to meet me where I am each day without judgement. She is open and honest and has provided me with tangible tools that I can easily incorporate into my daily life. I am so grateful for Talia's kindness, support and care. I felt held throughout my learning and growth process. ❤️"
Gaby .E., BC, Canada
"Talia - it is life changing, the way that you take the fear out of change. You present it in a way that breaks it down into manageable steps and simple acts of self love in a way that lessens the feeling of being overwhelmed by commitment. In practicing acts of self love now, there is no feelings of guilt because I realize that guilt prevents me from performing these intentional acts of self love. Recognizing the cycle is integral to changing my patterns.
I am also utterly grateful to have learned the importance of investing in my own personal growth.
I look at myself in a new way. A new perspective with compassion and kindness. I am learning to set boundaries for my own mental health, to be in integrity with myself, and to act in alignment with who I want to be. I deserve to be happy and healthy and I trust in my intuition. I am no longer willing to be bullied by my own self."
Jules .B., BC, Canada