I was SO frustrated. I was vision-boarding, mantra-ing, meditating and visualizing... but my dream life was NOT magically unfolding.
Manifesting was so up and down - it was never consistent. It was really deflating. I had 72 vision boards and no actual, tangible results. I was doubting it all. I was doing so many great things but manifesting was never getting easier. Thankfully it changed! I'd love to say it was overnight but for me it was a loooong process of trial and error. 🤦♀️ |
Understanding The Law Of Attraction is something that takes time because although it is quite simple in concept, I found it took many painful years of trial and error to actually get on a role and have it work for me.
Lucky for you - I've spent a decade studying and then teaching what it takes to make deep long lasting change and how to deliberately manifest EXACTLY what you want. PLEASE - SAVE YOURSELF A DECADE! I'm here to make it as easy as possible for you! We need you in that dream life NOW. The world needs your light + power. |
Best Self Everyday 31 Day Experience: New exercises daily to your inbox that nurture your mind, body and soul and get you into alignment with your manifestations! This is a month of self love and high vibes to jump start your energy.
In your best life you are taking care of yourself, taking moments to be mindful, treating yourself well physically + mentally. You are spiritually connected in a way that feels good to you and know with faith that the Universe has your back. Get ready to be it for 31 days! |
Clear Subconscious Blocks + Limiting BeliefsClear The Path Training is my personal method for clearing my blocks and subconscious beliefs that hold me back! It's the quickest way I've found to dissolve beliefs + blocks that are getting in your way and having you stay stuck. It also comes with printable + downloadable journal prompts. This exercise is simple, to the point and makes uncovering your blocks easy!
Deepen Your Self LoveExperience Self Love: 5 day audio program will dive into 5 aspects of self love though an inspiring and relaxing audio track each day that is 10min or less. This mini-program will deepen your self love + help to supercharge your manifestations.
The question is - are you in alignment with what you want? It took me many, many years of wondering where my manifestations were (had I been forgotten?) to get this crucial part - in every moment you are manifesting!
You are manifesting when you're in a good mood or a bad mood, a relaxed mood or an anxious mood. No matter what you are feeling - you are attracting more of the same. Every. Second. Of. Every. Day Whoa... This helped me because I realized that although I had been doing affirmations and vision boards - I was not in ALIGNMENT with what I wanted. This shifted everything! |
Good news! The laws of the Universe aren't changing (phew!). This means that when you learn exactly how it works - you'll then be able to use it forever!
Once I started practicing the right way I discovered that I consistently got results. The fact that I had been so frustrated was a clear indicator that I had not yet mastered it. I was always waiting for my manifestations to happen "just around the corner". Once it clicked - I knew. If you are feeling frustrated there are just a few more ah-ha's and tools to put into place - don't give up, you are so close! |
Manifest•365 WILL...