This episode is all about pillar #6 - RECEIVING. I've done a full episode on each pillar so if you haven't listened to it make sure to go back after you listen -Pillar1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
After you listen to this episode, I would recommend starting at the beginning of the series.
So my intention for creating this show today and for talking about receiving energy is so that you could truly complete the manifestation process. The receiving pillar is really what allows the completion of it to happen or not.
Here are the top 3 you need to be aware of in order to get into receiving mode:
STAYING PRESENT Manifestation happens in the NOW. When you stay present you become aware of what you are manifesting moment to moment. Instead of going to sleep consciously, you stay very awake when you stay in the moment. If you want to know how fast your manifestations are coming, ask yourself how you feel in this moment.
FEELING GOOD When you are feeling good you are in receiving mode. Picture when you are riding your bike and the winds in your hair and you're just feeling so good you're in that receiving mode.
Anytime you practice that feel good energy, when you're laughing, giggling, when you look at yourself in the mirror and you're saying all these positive things that feel good energy puts you in receiving mode because when we feel good we are an energetic match to everything that feels good, which is happiness, love, gratitude, abundance, guidance, miracles, all the things that we are wanting to receive so they should be the main focus of your life.
When we're not feeling good - we are not aligned with our manifestations.
ASKING + THANKING This is the way in which we are asking for what we want. I think it's really important to focus on that, gratitude and one thing that really shift in the way that I ask is being aware of asking and thinking at the same time. It's really important because it puts you is receiving and expecting mode - instead of saying "universe I really want $5000, ill be waiting" that's a different energy than "Universe thank you so much for the guidance and the opportunity that's going to get me to my $5000."
Instead of saying, "universe bring me my soul mate" you can say "universe thank you for providing me with the perfect match, my soul mate - the one that's going to compliment my life thank you for bringing him or her my way. I am open, available and excited to start a new chapter of love in my life"
Gratitude while praying/asking not only makes us feel better but it also has us believe that the things that we want are coming. Then the Universe then matches that with the law of attraction.
Make sure to tune into the episode for all of the receiving mode hacks as well as an exercise that you can do today to get into in the receptive mode and gaining clarity on your next step.
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xo, Talia
PS. For ALL THINGS manifestation, you can find me on Facebook - click here